Controller files are located in sitekly/app/Controllers. To change controller open file sitekly/app/Config/Routes.php, replace controller name with your own and create your own controller.
To change Lang controller find in Routes.php lines:
$routes->get('lang/(:segment)', 'Lang::index/$1',['as' => 'lang/']);
$routes->get('lang/(:segment)/(:segment)', 'Lang::index/$1/$2',['as' => 'lang//']);
and replace it with:
$routes->get('lang/(:segment)', '_Lang::index/$1',['as' => 'lang/']);
$routes->get('lang/(:segment)/(:segment)', '_Lang::index/$1/$2',['as' => 'lang//']);
Create file sitekly/app/Controllers/_Lang.php, class name needs to be named _Lang.
Extending controller
class _Lang extends Lang
Creating new controller
class _Lang extends BaseController
Don't change the original files directly, they might be overwritten with future updates.